Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Hello Again...

I know it has been months since my last post. I did not realize how time consuming a blog could be. Not that, that's a bad thing, but I just have not had the time lately. Since my last post I had to quit my job, which I am very heartbroken about. I loved my work and miss it every day. Sadly I can not work right now. My job is basically taking care of me! I help out at my Dad's Real Estate office as much as I can, but it's not much. I am pretty much unemployed at the moment, not by choice. Most days I can't even get out of bed, so you can imagine how that would make getting to work difficult lol. The thought process behind quitting my job at the Bridal Salon was to focus on myself and getting healthy. I had NO idea it was going to be so tough! My health has spiraled out of control since September. I have a new doctor that I found who is trying to help me find some non-addictive medications to help with the pain and fatigue. Which have both gotten worse by 150%! And let me just say, I have avoided this for 10 years! I did not want to take meds, but I have tried everything else over the past decade and not one thing has worked! I have no other choice, and it was a struggle for me to come to this decision. I see a new chiropractor now who is helping with the upper body pain tremendously. I also get regular massages, about every 2 weeks cause if I don't I can barely walk or move at all. I hope to get back into acupuncture after the new year, but my plate is pretty full right now with health care professionals that I don't really have the energy or time and unfortunately acupuncture has taken a back seat. But not for long hopefully. I have also completely changed my diet, and although I have lost 10 pounds, it seems to have done very little to help the Fibro. All of these new changes are very time consuming and so far have helped a little but not enough. I feel lost. I don't know what else to do. I am scared that if things continue to be this bad for much longer I will end up not working forever and confined to my bed, or worse, in the hospital. As usual this is all made so much harder by people who don't understand. The infamous comments..."but you look fine" and "you had a good day today"....1st of all just cause someone is sick doesn't mean it shows on the outside! I don't have lepresy! 2nd just cause I have FM I am supposed to let myself go and look like the walking dead? That's how I feel but I don't want to look that way 24/7. Believe me I do at home, but if I am out in public or meeting up with someone which rarely happens anymore, but when I do it takes me hours just to appear half way decent and get out of the house! And 3rd...yes I did have a good day, one of maybe 3 that I have all year long!!! Lucky you that you caught me on one of those days! Okay, venting done! Haha, anyways to sum this all up...a lot has happened in the last months, I have changed everything about my health and lifestyle with very little good results and frankly....that sucks! I will try try to post more. Happy Holidays everyone! Until next time...